Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Finished at Last!

Well, here is the "bearded wonder" in all his glory.  Though somewhat difficult to tell in the photo, I darkened the background to get rid of the competing "aura" around the back of the head.  The portrait took 10 sessions to complete, with sessions 1-8 taking approximately 15-30 minutes each.  The ninth session lasted a little over an hour, and that is where most of the fine-tuning took place.  The last session took maybe 15 minutes to add last minute details like moles (sorry Phil), extra hairs, etc. This is an acrylic painting on a 12" x 12" stretched canvas, worked from a photo, and I must say I'm pleased with the results. Below is a detail of the face.

Who is the subject?  Philip Hatter is my older brother, creator of Thistledown Puppets (www.thistledownpuppets.com).  He designs and creates all kinds of beautiful hand-made puppets for people all over the world.  And he has a pretty awesome beard.

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